Second Christmas in Oxford

It was fun writing about spending my summer in Oxford. I thought this year I’d continue the trend and write about spending my christmas here.
Last term, I missed out on a lot of the full-day walks the walking club held during term time. Looking at how pretty the photos of the walks were, I started dropping down some of the routes to walk myself / with my friends. It has been nice walking around Goring, Wytham Woods, Blenheim Palace and Boars Hill.
Staying in
Instead of going on trips or going back to Hong Kong, I’ve decided to stay in Oxford over the Christmas Holiday. I mainly wanted to have as much time as possible to hammer down the changes to how I work and to do some life maintenance; Like fixing my bike, organising my room, planning my future …
A positive impact of staying in was that I ended up writing 9 posts for this blog over the holidays! It’s the most productive I’ve ever been with this blog and I’m very glad with how the posts have turned out. I’ve been meaning to write the HKDSE and M2 series ever since I was in secondary school and I’m relieved that it’s finished now. Perhaps over the summer I could write daily posts for a week or two to see how far I can push myself …